Need for Speed SHIFT takes players in a different direction to create a simulation experience that replicates the true feeling of driving high-end performance cars. NEED FOR SPEED SHIFT ( DISC ) ( NO DOWNLOAD REQUIRED ) Special Edition (Code in the Box - for PC) Edition: Special Edition Game Modes: Single-Player. Need for Speed™ SHIFT is an award-winning authentic racing game that combines the true driver’s experience with real-world physics, pixel-perfect car models, and a wide range of authentic race tracks. Then click play to start (will ask to update, don’t do that). So make sure this is turned off, also when playing any other game in Origin. If you don’t do that, the game will freeze at launch. Obtenez la démo dun des meilleurs jeux de voitures. Mais il semble que EA (Electronic Arts) a décidé de parier cette fois-ci sur un jeu plus sobre et dun caractère bien plus professionnel. BUT, before you launch you have to do one more thing…Go to your preferences of Origin and turn off “ingame Origin” and “Automatically update the game” (select-box). Need for Speed est probablement la franchise la plus importante quant aux jeux-vidéo de conduite arcade qui vous fait profiter de son caractère libre. Need for Speed: Shift download torrent Release Date: 2009 Genre: Arcade / Racing Developer: Slightly Mad Studios, EA Black Box Publisher: Electronic Arts. After downloading the game this one stucks at installing (one of the only annoying bugs), but you can easily fix this by quitting Origin (after a few minutes to be sure), and then login again and then you are able to launch the game without problems.

Need for speed shift download serial#
The open Origin and activate the Gamersgate version serial mentioned above.
Need for speed shift download install#
Open the Portingkit and download the “Need for Speed Shift” file and let the Portingkit install Origin. Download The Game Link is Given Below Click The Download Button To Start The Download. Then install NFS Shift into the Portingkit as the video shows and play the game! Have fun!

Simply get the Need for Speed Ultimate Digital Collection which contains 4 NFS games: NFS prostreet, and Need for Speed Undercover and Need for speed Shift + Need for Speed Shift 2! A must have collection for only $29! When not living in the US then get the Gamersgate UK version. I used the Gamersgate (Origin) version which works out of the box.

Also Need for speed Shift works awesome in Origin! I can play this game in the highest resolution (1920×1080) with all shadows and environment settings on High if I want (motion blur/bloom excluded), on my AMD Radeon 6770M 512mb and Nvidia 640M.